
“Vulnerability is not winning or losing. It’s having the courage to show up when you can’t control the outcome”

Brené Brown

discovery call

Want to be yourself but feel stuck? Perhaps you are wearing clothes that don't truly represent you? You want to try out new looks but feel afraid of being judged?

The discovery call is a great way to start the process of inner styling which explores barriers around lack of confidence, imposter syndrome, style related anxiety/shame.

We can discuss your stuck points and explore ways Savvy Style can help you with the aim of dressing authentically without fear of judgement.

Length- 15mins

Price = FREE


By becoming a member, you will gain access to 1-2-1 coaching with Natacha- Award wining style & wellbeing coach.

The Authentic Style Club platform provides access to style focused courses, templates and downloadable for you to learn at your own pace.

Coaching is provided via Zoom, text and email- you are never alone on your journey.

The complimentary content includes:

  • Style Awakening Workshop

  • Body Confidence Guide

  • How to create outfits

  • How to organise your wardrobe

  • Styling advice at your fingertip

    Length = Pay as you go membership

    Price = £40/month

wellbeing socials

Socialise with your wellbeing in mind. Get to know, network with and meet strong, motivated and determined women. Wellbeing socials are about building a supportive network to help you build confidence in yourself, your style and your business whilst you enjoy delicious food in a stylish setting.

Come along to bounce ideas off about your style and confidence journey with positive and ambitious women or take it easy and enjoy the activity at hand to help. Either way- you will feel supported in being authentic beautiful you!

Here is what attendees say:

"I felt very empowered and special. What a pleasure to be in your company. Massive shout out to Natacha for organising and giving us the opportunity to meet"- Shelly Brenan (CEO Mama & Me)

"I had a fab time with amazing women" - Dawn Elliot (Sew Confident)

"Natacha did it again! What a fab afternoon we had enjoying he sun in a fantastic place with beautifu people. This is my kind of networking" - Aga Mortlock (Photographer)

Spaces are limited to 8 to maintain a relaxed atmosphere.

Need a confidence boost?

Music is a great way to instantly boost mood and lift your vibration. So stick the Savvy Style playlist on- crank up the volume and dance like no one's watching!

Not sure which service is suitable?

Book a no-obligation 15 minute free discovery call to talk about the services to suit your styling needs.