Can personal style improve body confidence?

What is a lack of body confidence?

It is a sense that whatever you wear, whatever colours, styles, and looks you never feel comfortable in your body.

You always have body hang-ups, we all have those, but yours are very specific to areas of your body.

It doesn't matter how you style yourself you still don't feel good about your body, you might even beat yourself up about it, you might even really self hate about certain parts of your body or look at other people who have the body that you want and compare and despair.

It can become a vicious circle, and you end up wearing perhaps black all the time, maybe, wearing baggy clothes or wearing joggers all the time - they don't really represent you.

You have a wardrobe full of clothes that just don't fully represent you and you never wear them. You never feel like you have anything to wear but don't want to let go of some pieces because you tell yourself that until I lose the weight I am not going to change anything or I will do something with my clothes or buy new clothes when I have lost weight.

This behaviour is a form of self-punishment - you need to stop doing that.

You wear clothes that don't make you feel great about your body, so you feel worse about your body, you think worse about your body and then you then act in a way that makes it worse. So you might eat more or avoid certain situations or people and therefore those limiting beliefs keep going on and on.

How do we break the cycle?

  1. look at your wardrobe objectively and remove any items that no longer serve you

  2. keep the stuff that makes you feel great

  3. use accessories to complement your style

You can learn to style your body as it is today rather than how you wished it looked. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


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